Friday, November 22, 2013

Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic Republic

Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic Republic


Sovereignty is one of the foremost elements of any independent State. It means absolute
independence, i.e., a government which is not controlled by any other power : internal or
external. A country cannot have its own constitution without being sovereign. India is a
sovereign country. It is free from external control. It can frame its policies. India is free to
formulate its own foreign policy.


The word socialist was not there in the Preamble of the Constitution in its original form. In
1976, the 42nd Amendment to the Constitution incorporated ‘Socialist’ and ‘Secular’, in the
Preamble. The word ‘Socialism’ had been used in the context of economic planning. It
signifies major role in the economy. It also means commitment to attain ideals like removal
of inequalities, provision of minimum basic necessities to all, equal pay for equal work.
When you read about the Directive Principles of the State Policy, you will see how these
ideals have been incorporated as well as partly, implemented in the Constitution.


In the context of secularism in India, it is said that ‘India is neither religious, nor irreligious
nor anti-religious.’ Now what does this imply? It implies that in India there will be no
‘State’ religion – the ‘State’ will not support any particular religion out of public fund. This
has two implications, a) every individual is free to believe in, and practice, any religion he/
she belongs to, and, b) State will not discriminate against any individual or group on the
basis of religion.

Democratic Republic

As you have noticed while reading the Preamble to the Constitution, that the Constitution
belongs to the people of India. The last line of the Preamble says ‘…. Hereby Adopt,
Enact And Give To Ourselves This Constitution’. In fact the Democratic principles of the
country flow from this memorable last line of the Preamble. Democracy is generally
known as government of the people, by the people and for the people. Effectively this
means that the Government is elected by the people, it is responsible and accountable to
the people. The democratic principles are highlighted with the provisions of universal adult
franchise, elections, fundamental rights, and responsible government. These you will read
in subsequent lessons.
The Preamble also declares India as a Republic. It means that the head of the State is the
President who is indirectly elected and he is not a hereditary ruler as in case of the British
Monarch. Under chapter of Union Executive you will read in detail about the election of
the President of India.

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