Friday, November 22, 2013

Salient Features of The Constitution4

Single Citizenship

In a federal state usually the citizens enjoys double citizenship as is the case in the USA.
In India there is only single citizenship. It means that every Indian is a citizen of India,
irrespective of the place of his/her residence or place of birth. He/she is not a citizen of the
Constituent State like Jharkhand, Uttaranchal or Chattisgarh to which he/she may belong
to but remains a citizen of India. All the citizens of India can secure employment anywhere
in the country and enjoy all the rights equally in all the parts of India.

Universal Adult Franchise

Indian democracy functions on the basis of ‘one person one vote’. Every citizen of India
who is 18 years of age or above is entitled to vote in the elections irrespective of caste,
sex, race, religion or status. The Indian Constitution establishes political equality in India
through the method of universal adult franchise.

Emergency Provisions

The Constitution makers also foresaw that there could be situations when the government
could not be run as in ordinary times. To cope with such situations, the Constitution elaborates
on emergency provisions. There are three types of emergency; a) emergency caused by
war, external aggression or armed rebellion; b) emergency arising out of the failure of
constitutional machinery in states; and c) financial emergency.

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