Thursday, July 25, 2013


            A constitution is the basic fundamental law of a State. It lays down the objectives of the
State which it has to achieve. It also provides for the constitutional framework that is,
various structures and organs of the governments at different levels. In addition, it describes
the rights and duties of the citizens. It is, therefore, considered to be the basis for the
governance of the country both in terms of goals and objectives as also their structures
and functions.
              The Constitution of India was framed by the Constituent Assembly. The Assembly was
constituted in 1946.
The members of the Constituent Assembly were indirectly elected by the members of the
existing Provincial Assemblies. In addition, there were members nominated by the rulers
of the Princely States. With Independence of India, the Constituent Assembly became a
fully sovereign body.
             The Constituent Assembly, following the partition of the country in 1947, consisted of 299
members as on 31st December 1947. Of these 229 members were elected by the provincial
assemblies and the rest were nominated by the rulers of the princely states. Majority of
the members in the Constituent Assembly belonged to the Congress party. All prominent
leaders of the freedom movement were members of the Assembly


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